What Is Communication Skills And Speech Delivery? AKTU Soft Skills || mycollegeverse


What is communication skills and speech delivery ? Pdf notes and topics in derails
Soft skills  hand notes and PDFs 

UNIT 1: What is communication skill ?

The way of expressing our thoughts and ideas is know as communication skill. 
The skill through which we communicate with others can be also termed as commination skill.

Types of communication skill

  1. Verbal 
  2.  Non-verbal


Verbal includes oral and written
  • Oral 
  • Written


It includes the following:-
  • Facial expressions
  • Gesture
  • Body language
  • Personal experience
  • Haptics
  • Preximics

What is the process of communication?
- Encode 
- Encoding
- Encoder

- Decode
- Decoding
- Decoder

What is the purpose of communication?
Well the purpose of communication is to convey someone, to inform someone about some information, to request someone for any reason, to warm, to get something done , we do communication.

What is the importance of communication?

Communication plays very important role in our daily life without communication we can't do anything effectively and easily. Or we can say that without communication we can't live , communication is our important part of our life.

We do communication to connect with other people and understand their thoughts their thinking process. 
Through communication we get emotionally connectes with others.

Intrapersonal communication:- interpersonal communication is a communication with oneself using internal vocalisations reflect and things triggered by some internal and external stimulus. For example communication with ourselves about what we want to eat due to the Hunger or we may react interpersonally to an event we witness.
Intrapersonal communication only takes place inside our head.

Interpersonal communication:-
 communication between people whose life influences one another.

Interpersonal communication builds and ends a relationship. We spend more time engaged in interpersonal communication than other forms of communication. communication.

Interpersonal communication can be planned or an unplanned but it is interactive and usually more structured and influenced by social expectation than interpersonal communication.

Interpersonal communication is also more goal-oriented than intrapersonal communication.

Mass Communication can be defined as the process of creating, sending, receiving and analysing messages to large audience via verbal and written media.

This media are wide-ranging and that includes print, digital media, social media, television etc.

There are mainly four types of media.
1. Print media:- newspaper, books, magazine, generals.

2. Broadcast:- films, radio, T.V

3. Outdoor and transit media:- Billboard, posters, banners, etc.

4 digital news media:- 
Social media, website, video platform, ebooks, etc.

 UNIT 2  : Speech delivery

Speech delivery

Speaking formerly or delivering  a speech is a major soft skill.

Solid speech outline with quality content creates the basic for effective speech delivery.

Once speech is ready the speaker needs plenty of rehearsal and practice for better delivery of the speech when they deliver speech on the stage Or real-time.

Knowing the information well allows for a smooth and natural delivery that will catch audience attention and it will keep engaging with the speaker.

Aspects of speech delivery 

  • Nonverbal cues
  • Voice quality
  • Pronunciation
  • Audience engagement
This components works together to create delivery that sounds natural and conventional

Non-Verbal Cues:

Nonverbal cues any action or mannerism associated with body like:-
  • movement of body
  • Hand gesture
  • Posture
  • Facial expression
  • Eyes contacts along with eyes movement.
Voice modulation:
  • How the speaker where is different paralinguistic features of voice.
  • Volume
  • Pitch
  • Right pronunciation and clear articulation
  •  Emphasis

Methods of  Speech Delivery

1. Memorizing the manuscript.
2  Reading the manuscript.
3. Speaking from notes.
4. Impromptu speaking.

1. Memorizing:-
Giving speech after memorizing any topics or speech. In this speaker take plenty of time to learn or memorize the speech before performing it live infront of audience.
In this speaker can make eye contact with audience while giving speech. 
If speaker forgets some part of speech then audience may feel uncomfortable and unrelatable.

2. Reading the manuscript:-
As the name suggests in this speaker gives the speech from the script which is already written infront of him. 
control of time
control of word choice
loss of eye contact with audience
loss of natural speaking style and this will make audience fell bore.

4. Impromptu:- 
When speaker doesn't have enough time to prepare for the speech. This type of situation occurs generally when someone ask you to say somewords on special occasions of office meeting.
This type of speech is spontaneous, and come at a time of speech.
Speaker can make better eye contact with audience.
Body gesture will be more natural.
Speaker doesn't have enough time to prepare as a result speech may be decentralised and it will become difficult task for the audience to follow.


Objective and Methodology:-

To say  abruptly or insert something in between.
Interjecting should be very polite and user should not interjected question that doesn't involve the relevance of the speakers topic.

The objective of interjecting:

  • To help the speaker focus on his/ her topic by asking open ended questions.
  • To share idea
  • To show disagreement
  • To ask for clarification on particular topic
  • To show enthusiasm

what is methodology of interjecting

  • Use proper thing
  • Have a specific purpose

Read online or download in pdf file. 

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