What is Group Discussion and it's structure, Types and methods? AKTU Soft Skills || mycollegeverse


Unit 2

What is group.

Group is a collection of individuals Who may have very rare or regular contact or interaction and who work together to achieve a common set of goal. 


Discussion is a process where two or more people exchange information or ideas to achieve a goal this year their thoughts about what you think.
What is Group Discussion and it's structure, Types and methods? AKTU Soft Skills || mycollegeverse
Group discussion

What is a group discussion?

Group discussion is a format and systematic face to face communication among participants to express and exchange views on a topic.

A discussion among participants who have an agreed topic or a common topics.

Now the question arises,

what is the purpose of group discussion. 

The purpose of group discussions are:-
  • To reach a solution of an issue of a concern
  • To generate new idea for solving a problem
  • To choose the candidates written test for job.
  • For foreign admission to Educational Institute.
  • To train ourself in various interpersonal skills
  • It is also used for decision making and problem solving

Structure of group discussion

  • A group of candidates is gives case for discussion
  • Normally group of eight or ten candidates formed into a leaderless group and are given a specific situation to discuss within a given time limit
  • The ideal time given is 20 to 30 minutes

Types of group discussion
(methods of group discussion)

It is a method of conduct and nature of topic

method of conduct

  • Structured
  • Unstructured
  • Role play
  • Group discussion with nominated leader

 nature of a topic

  • Controversial topic 
  • abstract topic.
  • Case based topic
  • Accurate topic
Structured method of conduct:- 
In This the topics of discussion is given by the selectors , candidates cannot choose the topics by own. The time limit is also bounded to this type of discussion method, Candidate have to discuss within the set of time limit over the decided topic by the selectors.
It method is mostly used in group discussion as compared to unstructured.

Unstructured method of conduct:-
In this types of  method their is not time restrictions on the selection of topics, candidates can choose the topics or decide the topics by mutual agreement. This method is rarely used.

As the name suggests candidate have to play the specific role in the given situation under the group discussion. Within the structure of roleplay the participants have to answer(solve) the situation given to him.

Group discussion with nominated leader:-
Group leader is assigned to this type of discussion. Generally their is no need of group leader in group discussion but sometimes group leader is assigned to summarised the conclusion of the discussion.

 Problems hindering group effectiveness Group things

  • Group Shift
  • Group think
  • Star complex
  • Lack of clear goals
  • Wall flowers

 Argumentative skills pattern and ingredients

What is argument?

Are recent attempts to continue the audience to accept a particular point of view about the debate topic.

Significance of argument skills.

Pattern of argument
  • Ingredient
  • Premises
  • Interference

Two types of claims

  • A factual claims
  • And inferential claim

Group discussion is a very important round for every company.

 It is the best way to judge a candidate because in this round they will be judged on how they work with others, their communication skills and their ability to lead.

Group discussions are held among three or four candidates who are interviewed by three different members of the panel. Candidates have to give their opinion on topics such as gender equality, terrorism etc. Group discussions can be very tricky and stressful if you don’t prepare yourself well enough beforehand and it may cost you an offer if you fail miserably! There are certain tips that will help you ace your group discussion and get selected for the next round of interviews:

It is also called GD:-

Group discussion is also called GD. It is a round in which the candidate is judged on his/her communication skills and body language. The interviewers will ask questions to 4-5 candidates of the same batch and these candidates are expected to discuss among themselves. The interviewer observes them and takes notes while they are talking with each other.

The procedure for GD is easy as compared to personal interview.

First and foremost, the procedure for GD is easy as compared to personal interview. The reason behind this is that in GD, you have only 30 minutes to present your points and arguments whereas in a personal interview, you get one hour for the same thing. In support of this there are other motives likes :

  • It is easy to understand

  • It is easy to follow

  • It is easy to remember (if not memorize)

  • It is easy apply what we learn from it in real time situation.

In group discussion, the recruiter will ask some questions from the candidate.

In group discussion, the recruiter will ask some questions from the candidate. These questions are related to the subject and sometimes they are related to the candidate as well. The recruiters will ask a question and then they will give time for candidates to think about their answers before asking them again in order to get a better understanding of what is being said by them. Once he/she gets an answer from a candidate, he/she should listen carefully for further explanation if necessary so that he can understand about it better than before without any ambiguity or confusion.

In group discussion, the candidate is judged both on his/her body language and communication skills.

Group discussion is a type of job interview in which several candidates are placed together and asked to discuss the same topic. The candidates must engage in a conversation for about 25 minutes, following which the interviewer will ask them questions about how they feel about certain aspects of the topic.

The candidate should remember that group discussions are not just about giving answers; it’s also about communicating effectively with people who may have completely different opinions than yourself. In this sense, body language plays an important role since it shows what you think and feel without saying anything verbally.

Group discussion is the best way of judge a candidate

 In this round, candidates are asked to speak in front of a group and answer few questions. The judge will judge them on their body language and communication skills.

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